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Create billing usage

Report a new billing usage for a billing account.

Path Parameters
    org_id string required
    billing_id string required

    ID of the billing account to update the subscription for

Request Body required
    project_id either provide billing_id of the org or API can infer the default billing ID from either org_id or project_id, not both
    usages object[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid used as an idempotent key
    customer_id string
    source additional metadata for storing event/service that triggered this usage
    description string
    type Type is the type of usage, it can be credit or feature if credit, the amount is the amount of credits that were consumed if feature, the amount is the amount of features that were used
    amount int64
    user_id user_id is the user that triggered this usage
    metadata object
    created_at date-time
    updated_at date-time
  • ]

A successful response.


